These miniature nativities generally range from 1.5 to 4 inches high.
They appear in many forms, such as caves, eggs, pots, and even
traditional Peruvian chullo hats. The tiny inhabitants are carved
by hand and and then placed inside.
Piedra de Huamanga, or Huamanga stone, is found only in
the Ayacucho region of Peru. There seems to be some disagreement
as to what type of rock Huamanga really is. Some sources claim it
is alabastrite, a form of gypsum, while others say it is calcite. Both
alabastrite and calcite are sedimentary rock, and they are
very similar in appearance. Both are also white, but
can be found in shades of grey, brown, pink, or other colors
due to impurities. The best way to distinguish them seems
to be an acid test. Calcite will bubble when acid is applied,
while gypsum will not.